Monday, November 17, 2014

Break Me [In]

Recently,  I watched a movie where the young actress was prepping for a ballet recital and I noticed her do something unusual with her ballet shoes.  I watched this girl literally bend, stretch, burn and scratch up a pair of perfectly good pointe shoes, all so she could move better in them.  Of course my first thought was: It doesn't take all that. However, after doing some research, I learned when you buy pointe shoes in their original form, they’re very stiff and limit any movement for the dancer, often resulting in pain. In order for the dancer to gain the flexibility needed to move, they must first cut up the soles of the shoe to add traction so that the dancer doesn’t slip while moving.  Next, the dancer adds immense pressure to bend the shoe to the mold of the foot. This gives the dancer the needed support to make difficult moves. I quickly learned that the dancer’s objective was not to break her shoe, but rather to break-it-in. Wow. The more I read about this process, the more familiar it was starting to sound.

"Much like a shoe, sometimes God has to break us in to get the movement He needs out of our lives."

So as usual, moment of transparency. I recently struggled with making a really tough decision...even after God told me what choice to make. I heard God's voice as clear as day and instead of taking Him at His word, I sat and rationalized the situation. I weighed out my pros and cons and eventually my head started blowing out smoke from over-analyzing a situation that God had already answered. I let my limited view of my situation make me second guess the Voice of God. The more I concentrated on the details of the situation, the more I found reason not to make a move. 

All of the sudden, it clicked for me.  I was just like that pair of pointe shoes in the movie. I allowed my own uncertainties and my lack of trust to stiffen me from being obedient to God. It was through this experience that I realized that much like a shoe, sometimes God has to break-us-in to get the movement He needs out of our lives. In other words, there are so many great ways that God wants to move in our lives, but as long as we depend on our own logic, we'll never fully experience all He can do.

"When we realize who God is, it will become easier for us to not only recognize but trust His voice when we're asked to make difficult moves."

Like the dancer with her shoes, the Lord had to put me through a process….to break-me-in. He literally had to cut away doubt and train my spiritual ear to hear His voice above the chaos of my own thoughts. However, don't think that just because God leads you somewhere it will always feel good. Trust me, sometimes it won't.  Heck, most times it probably won't even make sense. It's at this point that we need to be reminded it's not about how we feel, but it's all about who God is and what He's called us to do. When we realize who God is, it will become easier for us to not only recognize but trust His voice when we're asked to make difficult moves. The process was is not easy, but just when I started to slip and felt unsure, He added traction to my heart with His Word to reassure me that I was moving in the right direction. "...Those who trust God's action in them, find that God's Spirit is in them..." - Romans 8:5-8 (MSG)
"It wasn't until it underwent a process, that it became fit for use of its full potential."

The pointe shoes in its original form were actually useless.  It wasn’t until it underwent a process, that it became fit for use of its full potential. All of the discomfort, tearing, bending and stretching you’re experiencing right now, is on purpose.  Not with the intent of breaking you, but bending you, making you more flexible to move into the direction where He needs you to be. So stop being logic-led and start being spirit-led.  Allow God to change you from the stiff, self-reliant, over-analyzing, ordinary Christian you’re fighting so desperately to be, and let Him break-you-in for His use to do extraordinary things.  

*Bible Study
For more information regarding this topic, check out the following scriptures:

Romans 8:5-8

Friday, November 7, 2014

Take Everything...

“O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.” 
-Joseph M. Scriven

I am a firm believer in taking everything to the Lord in prayer. As I’m continuing to grow in my walk with Christ, I’ve truly come to value and appreciate the privilege of prayer.  However, although I’m grateful for growth, I can’t help but look back on all of the time I wasted being frustrated all because I didn’t take everything to God in prayer. 

Recently at my job I’ve been given a new project that has been demanding all of my time. It’s a project that honestly isn’t designed for just one person to handle, yet somehow it was given to just me. Throughout all of the stress and late hours I’ve been pulling at work, my supervisor has continued to tell me the same thing every day, “Leah, if you need help please let me know, otherwise I’ll just assume you can handle it.”  Instead of fully evaluating the situation, I took her words as a challenge and my focus quickly changed to proving that I could handle it by myself.  So for the past week and a half, I’ve been so busy trying to “handle” everything that the quality of my work was beginning to suffer in the process.  

"Lack of prayer is a declaration of self-dependency."

Although the work had been getting done, it was not done effectively.  Finally, in a voice of defeat I came back to my supervisor to admit, “I can’t handle this project on my own.”  After expecting to be removed from the project, I was surprised when my supervisor responded, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that, I have already appointed someone to assist you in the process.” Man, did God speak to me on this one.  How many times have we been faced with a difficult situation but instead of first taking it to God in prayer, we rely on our own understanding? Joseph Solomon said it best, “Lack of prayer is a declaration of self-dependency.”   

"Prayer isn't informing God of your problem, it's acknowledging God as the solution to your problem."

My supervisor knew all along that I could not handle the project on my own, yet she waited for me to come and admit that to her. Whew! How could we ever think for a second that an all powerful, all knowing God doesn’t already know what we’re going through?  Prayer isn’t informing God of your problem, it’s acknowledging God as the solution to your problem.  It’s you coming to Him admitting that He is the source of your help.

The Bible tells us in Philippians 4:6, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." However the scripture doesn't end there, "..and the peace of God, which surpasses all of our understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."   Prayer is not only an acknowledgment to God, but it’s literally an exchange with God. When we bring everything that concerns us to God in prayer, He exchanges our worries for peace, our confusion for understanding and our sorrows for joy. 

In Matthew 11:30 Jesus said, ”For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light.” He literally provides assistance in taking the load off our heavy hearts, but we first must take all of the weights that our burdening our hearts to the Lord in prayer. Don’t be like me.  Don’t wait until you’ve stressed yourself out and have come to the end of your rope before you seek God.  Prayer should never be a last resort.  No matter how big or how small, take everything to the Lord in prayer. 

“What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.

O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.”  
- Joseph M. Scriven

Bible Study
For additional information on this topic, check out the following scriptures:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Woulda, Coulda, Shouda...

"Maybe what messes us up the most is this perfect image in our minds of how things are supposed to be." - Anonymous 

The only phrase that makes me cringe more than "what if" is "if only." I never wanted to be one of those people who looked back over their life and wondered "if only."  If only I just took that job. If only I just got into that relationship. If only I would have taken that turn, in other words: the woulda, coulda, shouldas. This terminology not only displays a distrust in God with the way things did turn out, but it exudes an underlying tone of discontentment with where we are and what we have in the different areas of our lives.

"God is not going to lead you to any place that's not good for you, even if it doesn't feel good to you."

So by not saying "if only" does it take away the dissatisfaction we have with the way things may have worked out in our lives? Of course not. Which is why when we pray we must first be open and honest with the God who already knows exactly how we feel. It's important for us to know that it's not God's desire for us to feel regretful or unsettled about the doors that were once opened but are now closed. God is not going to lead you to any place that's not good for you, even if it doesn't feel good to you. 

I read a quote one day while surfing Instagram (you can follow me @_iamLeah_ ;-) and it said, "the thing that messes us up the most about life is the vision of how we think it's supposed to be." This quote couldn't be anymore true. Yes it's true in Jeremiah 29:11 that God has plans for us to prosper and to give us a hope and a future, but it's very important that we focus on the first part of that scripture which says, "For I know the plans that I have for you." It's God who knows the plans. That text right there completely negates whatever image you thought those plans of prospering should look like. In order for God to work out HIS perfect will in our lives we first have to let go of what we think it supposed to look like and how He plans to do it.

"...our thoughts and our ways will never be on the level of God's."

For the past 3 years, I've had the joy of watching two close friends raise their son Caiden. It's been such a beautiful experience to watch him grow, learn and gain so much insight at such a young age. At 3 years old, he's moving into his "independent" stage and is attempting to do everything on his own, not fully understanding there's still a whole world ahead of him he has yet to really explore. If we were to ask him to pick anywhere in the world that he would want to go, his small perspective on the world around him would automatically limit his selections.

It's the same way with us and God. I don't care how many degrees we have, or how much experience we have to fill up our resumes, or even the many places that we've traveled....our thoughts and our ways will never be on the level of God's. Which just like little Caiden, will automatically limit our view on where we think we should be.

"When we constantly make God the head of our lives and seek Him first for direction, we'll discover more and more that we're exactly where He wants us to be."

So let me free someone today. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 3:11, "Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time..." When we constantly make God the head of our lives and seek Him first for direction, we'll discover more and more that we're exactly where He wants us to be. Open door or closed door. Taken opportunity or missed opportunity. Started relationship or ended relationship. Trust God and trust His process. It's also important to note that there will be times where we completely defy God's instruction and deliberately choose our own way. Although it may delay His will, He will still get the glory, because He always gets the glory.  So let's stop panicking, worrying and feeling unsettled about where you are, because right here, right now, in this place, is exactly where you are supposed to be.


Bible Study
*For more information on this topic, check out the following scriptures:
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Jeremiah 29:11 
Romans 8:28
Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalms 37:23

Friday, June 27, 2014

Change of Plans...

"Sometimes your plans don't work out because God has better ones." -Anonymous  

It’s funny how we can pray everyday and yet be so disconnected from God. But we’ve been talking to Him, right?  So there’s no way we can’t be “in tune” with Him, right?  Except…..what exactly are we seeking God for? Our will or His will? When we associate our desires apart from God we're actually limiting ourselves to the things that our finite minds can think of as opposed to the infinite wisdom of God. We want our own way so bad that we allow the devil to convince us that what God desires for us won't measure up to the grand plans that we have for our lives.  This couldn't be more false.  The devil's greatest attack on us is to somehow get us to believe that God is withholding something good from us.  We often throw tantrums with God for closing a door that we deemed as "good" not realizing that God was only protecting us from something we thought we could handle. 

"We make our own paths first and THEN try to trust God, then wonder why things never work out." 

 There have been too many times to count that I've hesitated on going to God first with the desires of my heart.  Sounds silly I know, but that's only because I was more interested in what Leah had planned and was afraid that God's desires would mess them up. Like if I prayed for God's will I'd be on the first thing smoking to Zimbabwe on a missions trip (absolutely no offense to those who are called to ministry in Zimbabwe lol). It's as if we've convinced ourselves that our way is better than God's way.  We tend to get Proverbs 3:5-6 backwards.  We make our own paths first and THEN try to trust God, then wonder why things never work out. 

"When our hearts intent is to please God first, THEN He grants us the desires of our heart."

One of my favorite scriptures and also one of the most wrongly used scriptures is Psalms 37:4, where the psalmist says, “Take delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires.”  We hear that scripture and we run with it….so much to the point that we skip through the beginning part and focus on the latter.  We're so quick to forget that, “delight yourself in the Lord,” which is SO key!  The word “delight” by definition means to “greatly please.”   When our heart’s intent is to please God first, THEN He grants us the desires of our heart.  Why? Because those desires are coming from Him.  When we make it our mission to serve God first, He begins to plant specific desires in our heart....and the beautiful thing is… will all be for His glory. 

Stop allowing the enemy to convince you that God won't give you His best in every area of your life. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God has "plans for good and not for disaster." When you seek God first for EVERYTHING, you'll never be off-track or off-schedule, you'll be exactly where He wants you to be. Remember: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do and He will show you which path to take.......and I guarantee you, His path is worth taking.


Bible Study*
For more information on this topic, check out the following scriptures:


So every now and then I like to share a song that's been heavy on rotation on my ipod.  Often times we take God's grace for granted, but what would it be like if we really ran out of chances to get it right with God?  I don't know but I'm glad for a patient God who loves enough to help us get it right.  Enjoy!! 

Why do I do things that won't bring me closer to You
No reason or excuse for most of them so I do them
Responsible for my part in pushing You away
And when I deserve to be left alone, You stayed

Couldn't help but notice something
That just keeps happening
Doesn't make much sense to me
But He does it again and again

Lord, I promise this is really the last time
(We've all said these words)
Sorry for not praying, it must have slipped my mind
(I never wanted You to hurt)

If You get me out of this one
I'll never do it again
When will I learn my lesson?
What would life be if I ran out of chances?

My closet so full of things I don't want You to see
If You knew all about me You'd question my belief
I know I haven't paid for each of the mistakes I make
So, thank you for keeping secrets, Lord
Let me just say

Couldn't help but notice something
That just keeps happening
It doesn't make much sense to me
But He does it again and again

Lord, I promise this is really the last time
(We've all said these words)
Sorry for not praying, it must have slipped my mind
(I never wanted You to hurt)

If You get me out of this one
I'll never do it again
When will I learn my lesson?
What would life be if I ran out of chances?

Uncover, expose me
That's the only way that I'll be free
Make me uncomfortable
Even if there's something I don't wanna see

I don't wanna live outside Your will, oh no
I've said it a thousand times
And I really wanna get it right

Lord, I promise this is really the last time
(We've all said these words)
Sorry for not praying, it must have slipped my mind
(I never wanted You to hurt)

If You get me out of this one
I'll never do it again
When will I learn my lesson?
Where will life be if I ran out of chances?

Monday, June 9, 2014

Where is your heart?

"Search me, O God, and know my heart;

    test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." -Psalms 139:23-24

Sometimes you just have to take a step back and breathe.  These past few months, I have been the busiest I've ever been in my life.  Between ministry, work, family and friends I've been attempting to stretch my 5'5 self in about 1,000 different directions...and let's just say, it hasn't been working.  At first it was all good, but after attempting over and over to be in three different places at one time, I started to feel burnt out.  In my efforts to please everyone, I learned that you can't always say, "yes."  I mean really, what good is it be present but not be effective?  Even worse, I was finding myself drained in my ministry work.  I was learning the hard way that you can't pour out the Word to others if you're not taking the time to have the Word poured into you.  Eventually my fuel started to run out and I began to run strictly on fumes.....I became physically, emotionally and spiritually drained.  

"...for me, obligation is my commitment to people, obedience is my commitment to God."

As Christians, when we begin to feel "burnt out" it starts to form a blurred line between doing things out of obedience and doing things out of obligation.  What's the difference you ask?  Your heart. I associate the word, "obedience" with love.  The Bible tells us in, John 14:15, "if you love me, obey My commandments."  See although both words still equal commitment, for me, obligation is my commitment to people, obedience is my commitment to God.  I was finding myself more committed to my friends and family than I was to the One I deemed as Lord over my life.  

"In essence, I was giving God what was left of me after I had already given my best to other people."

I take pride in being a great friend, but it was never God's intent to spend so much time serving others and leave little to no time to commune with Him.  In essence, I was giving God what was left of me after I had already given my best to other people.  This is also where we can become more susceptible to sin.  Often times when we feel drained and burnt out we begin to see church and all other ministry enthused activities as a "job" and we start to serve others grudgingly as if it's a burden.  Right where satan wants us, in a place where we begin to lose our desire to serve and please God.  Wow.  What first started as a delight is now becoming a duty and we come to a point where we would just rather be spiritual couch potatoes because it's too draining to actively serve in ministry.  Again, what good is it to be actively involved in ministry and not effective?  

"Are we more concerned about what people think than what God thinks?"

Sometimes we have to ask God to search our hearts.  Take a deep dive into even the most hidden places of our lives and test our true intentions.  Are we confusing pleasing people with pleasing God?  Are we more concerned about what people think than what God thinks? Now, don't get me wrong, the Bible clearly says that we are to love one another, however in our efforts to love and to be loved by others, we can unknowingly be placing them on the same or higher pedestal as Christ in our hearts.  

To all my friends and family, bear with me if I seem distant for a little while.  I'm using this time to not make any commitments to people, but rather allow God to show me the areas on my heart that need to be more committed to Him.  Every now and then we need a heart check so we can put back in perspective that we're ultimately only called to serve people out of our service unto God.  

Remember this simple formula: God > Everyone else.


Bible Study
*For more information on this topic, check out the following scriptures:
Ephesians 6:7
Psalm 139
John 14:15
Psalm 100:2

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Thank you!!!

To each and every person that's supported the blog:

I just wanted to take time out to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has not only supported my writing, but me personally over the last two years.  Every phone call, text, comment, "like" on Facebook/Instagram and Retweet is GREATLY appreciated.  It's a blessing when you can be a blessing to someone else.  

Continue to pray for me that I become more consistent with posting the things that God lays on my heart.  I truly wanted this blog to help encourage others and I hope that it continues to do just that.

Not sure what God is going to reveal to me on this go round, but that's the beauty of it, right? :-)

#StayEncouraged  #WalkWithMe

